Privacy Policy
- The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of Scouting and the activities we run.
- We collect; name, address, date of birth, email addresses and contact details.
- We use date of birth to inform us when your child is eligible to move up to the next section, we use your email addresses to keep you informed of activities and events that are up and coming, we use your name and address to collect gift aid, and we use your phone number in case we need to get in touch with you in an emergency.
- The personal information is stored securely and only kept whilst your child is with us.
- We also ask for medical conditions and treat this with the utmost confidence. We use this information so that we are aware of conditions that your child may be suffering from whilst in our care on troop nights.
- None of your information is passed to any third parties and only contained within the section.
- For camps, we ask for medical information again, so we are aware of the latest conditions in preparation for camps, such that if we need to seek medical advice whilst on a camp we can inform the emergency services.
- We also ask to collect other sensitive information with respect to swimming ability, allergies or bed wetting, thus enabling us to anticipate and manage situations better.
- We explicitly ask you, if we can hold this information and only keep this information for the duration of the camp and then destroy it afterwards.
- For the purposes of payments, some sections use a third party online payment tool called Online Scout Manager, which in turn uses an online direct debit provider called Go Cardless that securely manages direct debit and personal information which you control and have access to through the online Scout Manager.
- None of the Leaders or members of the group have access to your bank details or sort code information. This is all tightly controlled through Go Cardless and Online Scout Manager.
- Further information can be found on the Online Scout Manager website under GDPR.
- We explicitly ask permission to take photos and publish on closed social media and on our website. Photos that are published on closed social media are so that you can see what your child gets up to during a camp and events. We also ask if we can publish selected photos on our website to promote scouting. No names are associated with the photos and generally we don’t remove photos from our website unless we are explicitly requested to do so.
- Annually we will ask for religious, disabled and ethnic information. This information is anonymised is used to ensure that we as a group are providing a service to the public that mirrors the demographics of the public in the area compared to the national census information.
- If you are not happy with any of the information or the way we treat your information you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office about how we handle and processed your information. Their address is Information Commissioner’s, Office Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslo, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
CCTV Policy
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